winter love
You were born in winters. So, I often wonder if
the entire eternity had preserved its warmness
in ant-holes under my bed by oak tree over the sky
An archangel carefully confines this holy grail
in your soul right at your heart within your bones
She holds your gentle face full moles of love
kiss on eyelid a star is born my star my north pole
Do you know how these flowers sing in joy?
they sing for you you a bloom you a souvenir
if you are a maple leaf in an old gentleman’s diary
so are you a rose fragranting my cold fists
I wonder of your nothingness of your wholeness
In you I find the world I find myself
I dream I fall I wonder I love you
Ghazal is a yearner for gentleness in the stillness of life, nature and art. You can find a full list of their works
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