1000 ladybugs
bella fawzi
Lately there’s been quite the
ladybug apocalypse;
my days full
of these creatures
my gaze
stuck on their spots, and
I can love!
I love and I love and I keep on blinking
and yesterday I saw one:
it may have seen me
it may have been me
all I know is that
today I am laughing
so hard my muscles ache -
I’ve heard
it takes guts to hurt
it takes guts to love, but
1000 ladybugs
would still do it softly
and I feel my lungs expanding
now that I am my own breath
and I’d give you 1000 kisses
if there’d be just one spot left
for the next bug to land
on your nose, making you laugh
so you can feel it in your gut
when you love
ever so softly, because
lately there’s been quite the
ladybug apocalypse
and all I know is
you wouldn’t want to miss out.
Bella Fawzi (Egyptian and Dutch) is a self proclaimed notes app poet and, secondarily, an 18 year old girl. Bella is an avid lover of nature, fruit, the moments in the margins, the moon and good conversation. Through her writing she explores the rawness of things such as youth, absence, loss, growth, awareness and the multifaceted phenomenon that is girlhood.
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