in your absence
a lot has been happening
finally found my first
strand of white hair
getting sick maybe old
closer to death and all my
house is still
frozen in time
since you last visited the
giraffe painting under
my table
our picture on my fridge
your note on my cupboard i
make my bed
and then crumple the bedsheet
precisely to match
your silhouette on it i
exercise now
doesn't make me happy
like they claim on the internet i
am learning to cook
just to eat everything
we had together
does not taste the same
not even the kehwa
we have spent our evenings sipping i
have my own moka pot
brewing just the empty
space that lives between us now i
use all the diaries you gifted
mostly to scribble
lame poems like this one i
turn it on
the lamp you made me
on some nights
hoping you will see it
from my window
my most courageous
way to invite you
to make you feel
like nothing has changed
like it was just yesterday
that you left
Himanshi is a designer based in the Himalayan foothills of India. Writing these pieces is part of her healing journey. As a designer, her muse has always been nature and human emotions. How they work, and how they help the past, present, and future converge.You can follow her on Twitter at @himanshisahni.
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