the poem i swallowed at your doorstep

I swallowed a poem

while I lingered

at your doorstep

for the last time.

I wanted to say

make a home of me;

throw my pebble heart

into the river-sky of your heart.

I wanted to say

walk all over me;

trample on my body made of moss;

carry my dirt under your soles.

I wanted to say

hack my skull open;

slip my howling theories

into the lulls of your speech.

I wanted to say

if I were the cut,

if I were waves,

if I were your bed,

please make me.

Heather Ann Pulido is an indigenous bisexual author from Baguio City, Philippines. A freelance journalist and content writer, she is a returning artist. Her poetry is in Yuzu Press and Sage Cigarettes. She has a BOTN-nominated poem published by JAKE. When she's supposed to be writing, she's on Twitter (@heather_tries).

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